Npower Agro Recruitment Application Form 2020 apply here. We are glad to inform you about 2020 Npower Registration Form 2020. Download Application Form through online. Start your application here.
Are you aware Npower Scheme is Recruiting about 400, 000 applicants through online. Npower Agro is among section of Npwer Programme in which applicants will be recruited into Npower Volunteer Corps.
What is Npower Volunteer Corps?
The N-Power Volunteer Corps is the post-tertiary en- gagement initiative for Nigerians between 18 and 35. It is a paid volunteering programme of a 2year duration. The graduates will undertake their primary tasks in identified public services within their proximate communities.
Apply for Npower Tax Category here
All N-Power Volunteers are entitled to computing de- vices that will contain information necessary for their specific engagement, as well as information for their continuous training and development.
N-Power Agro Volunteers
N-Power Agro Volunteers will provide advisory ser- vices to farmers across the country. They will disseminate the knowledge that has been aggregated by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in the area of extension services. They will also gather data of Nigeria’s agriculture assets.
You can also register for Npower Teach here
Requirements for N-power Agro Recruitment
Bachelor’s degree, HND or OND in Nutrition, Agricul- tural Sciences, Agricultural Economics, Agronomy, Animal Science, Crop Science, Food Science & Tech- nology, and other agro related disciplines.
How to apply/register for Npower Agro Recruitment 2020
Apply via Npower Agro Recruitment Portal here
1, name (Surname first)
2, E-mail
3, Password
4, Educational Background
5, National Youth Service Certificate
6, Birth Certificate
7, Local Government Identification letter
8, Bank Verification Number
9, Phone Number
10, Bank Account Number
11, Bank name
12, State origin, LGA, Community
13, Residential Address
14, State of Resident
15, Local Government of Resident
16, The program you prefer
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