Npower Tax/VAIDS Recruitment Registration Application Form Portal 2020 for Npower Tax/VAIDS applicants apply here. are you a graduate, Nigerian Citizen by Birth or is your degree among those listed below? Register for Npower Tax Program and get 30,000 as monthly stipends.
Download Npower Health Application Form here
The Voluntary Asset and Income Declaration Scheme (VAIDS) seeks to encourage non-compliant and partially compliant taxpayers to voluntarily declare their correct income and assets and pay the appropriate tax due to the government.
A minimum of 10,000 N-Power Tax/VAIDS volunteers will be selected to assist in attaining the objectives of VAIDS, working with the Federal Ministry of Finance and the Joint Tax Board.
The N-Power VAIDS volunteers will function as com- munity tax liaison officers and will have the following key responsibilities which will include tax promotion, document review, record keeping, answering on- line inquiries, customer management, report writing, amongst others.
The Scheme is designed for 1 year after which N-Power VAIDS volunteers who have performed commend- ably might be offered job opportunities by the relevant tax authorities.
Others who remain on the N-Power Programme and have not secured jobs will be transferred to N-Power Teach to conclude the remainder 1 year.
Selection Preference for Npower Tax/VAIDS Recruitment Registration Form
Disciplines: Bachelor’s degree, HND or OND in Ac- counting, Economics, Law,Business Administration, Banking &Financeand other allied disciplines in the social sciences
How to apply for 2020 N-power Tax/VAIDS Recruitment
Register through application Form Portal
You can also register for Npower Teach here
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