NIRSAL AGSMEIS Loan Scheme 2020-2023, here you can access up to N10 million loans under the agsmeis scheme of the central bank of Nigeria. At the end of this post I will provide for you link portal where you access up N10 million loans as an Entrepreneurs. Get 5% interest Loan here.
Recently, The Central Bank of Nigeria in collaboration with NIRSAL Microfinance Bank and SMEDAN is giving out N1 million to N10 million loan to entrepreneurs to grow SMEs under the Agricultural/Small and Medium Enterprises Investment Scheme (AGSMEIS) of the CBN.
At the end of this article you will know how apply or register to access Loan successfully via online through Link Portal which I will provide here.
About NIRSAL AGSMEIS Loan Scheme – The loan is repayable in 7 years at 5% interest after 18 months moratorium period. The conditions for accessing the loan are very flexible; it can be accessed within 4 – 6 weeks.
Eligibility for NIRSAL AGSMEIS Loan Application online
The fund can be accessed for start – ups, business expansion or revival of ailing companies in sectors such as:
- Agro allied businesses
- Education
- Health
- Manufacturing/Production
- Mining
- Services ( Hospitality, Restaurant, Catering services, trading, etc)
- ICT 8. Creative industry (fashion, entertainment, design, crafts, etc)
Requirements for 2020/2023 NIRSAL AGSMEIS Loan
- registration of business name with CAC
- evidence of entrepreneurship development training at SMEDAN or any of the CBN accredited EDIs
- a bankable business plan prepared by any of the participating consulting firms in accordance with the guidelines of the scheme
- letter of introduction
- applicant’s BVN
- applicant’s means of identification Our company, PHINEX PROJECTS LTD, is one of the participating consulting firms for the scheme.
The loan can be accessed at zero cost. No middlemen involved, applicants will deal directly with the CBN via NIRSAL Microfinance Bank and SMEDAN.
How to apply for NIRSAL AGSMEIS Loan
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