Latest update about 2021/2022 Gulder Ultimate Search 12 as management set to unveil list of successful contestants across Nigeria including Lagos State, Enugu State and Abuja where screening of Successful Applicants is ongoing. See more details under.
Gulder ultimate search Season 12 – ‘The Age of Craftsmanship.’ will start after a series of regional screenings in Abuja, Enugu, and Lagos, as well as a Sea School screening in Lagos, twenty candidates moved to the final stage.
Gulder Ultimate Search 12 List of Successful Contestants
20 successful shortlisted will moved to the final stage. As stated by the management of Gulder Ultimate Search 12, we can confirm that the 20 finalists are the fittest and most outstanding among the more than 20,000 applicants who registered to participate in GUS this year,” says Maria Shadeko, Portfolio Manager – Flavored, Craft & Non-Lager, Nigerian Breweries Plc. “Ahead of Sunday night’s reveal, the 20 finalists have gone through a series of medical, mental, and physical fitness screening for more than a week, and we can confirm that they are the fittest and most outstanding among
The survival reality show, which focuses on competitors’ survival instincts, premiered in 2004 and continued for 11 seasons before being cancelled in 2014.
The candidates will be in the jungle to compete against themselves and nature in their pursuit for a hidden treasure that will provide immediate fame and money to the last person standing.
Screening Procedures for Successful Contestants
Ahead of Sunday night’s reveal, the 20 finalists have gone through a series of medical, mental and physical fitness screening for more than a week, and we can confirm that they are the fittest and most outstanding among the more than 20,000 applicants who registered to participate in GUS this year,” says Maria Shadeko, Portfolio Manager – Flavored, Craft & Non-Lager, Nigerian Breweries Plc.
The survival reality show was aired in 2004 and lasted 11 seasons until being cancelled in 2014.
The candidates will be in the jungle, battling nature and themselves in pursuit of a hidden treasure that would provide immediate fame and money to the last person standing.
Benefits for Gulder Ultimate Search 20Finalist
The Winner will take home a total prize worth over ₦50 million which includes N20 million naira in cash, a brand new SUV and other mouth-watering prizes while the other 17 will also be rewarded with various cash prizes” says Morgan.
TV Station/Channel showing Gulder Ultimate Search 12
GUS 12 will air on Saturdays and Sundays from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Africa Magic Showcase (DStv channel 151), Africa Magic Urban (DStv channel 153), and Africa Magic Family (DStv channel 154 & GOtv channel 2), respectively.
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