Npower Account Validation Link for Batch C2 Beneficiaries is now functioning for beneficiaries of batch C2 applicants 774 Local Government Area for beneficiaries having stipends payment issues.
Npower stipends payment Issues, the Npower management said they will be Sending an Account Validation Link To All Batch C2 beneficiaries to update their records.
This announcement was made today the 15th of March 2023 by the Npower management via all their communication channels. The message is as follows:
Npower Account Validation Link for Batch C2 Beneficiaries
Dear Batch C2 NPower Beneficiaries, We have noticed that some of your details were not validated and have affected your payment and status in the program.
We will be Sending a link via SMS to all of you who were Selected for the Program and are beneficiaries, you are to use the link that will be sent to you to validate your account, Npower said.
If you are a Npower batch C2 beneficiary and your payment was successful, you may not need to validate your profile via the link again.
This also applied to the batch C1 beneficiaries, you do not need to do anything as this update is meant for the Npower batch C stream 2 beneficiaries only.
For the exited Npower Batch A and B asking for a Nexit program update. According to Npower, no new information has been given regarding the Nexit program for now.
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