Create here a secured Facebook account to avoid hacking – to create secured Facebook account to avoid hacking with security backing is very important to Facebook account owners.
We do receive messages concerning account hacked by unknown person. Many have been asking if there is any remedy for hacked facebook account.
Many Facebook account owners whom account has been hacked by unknown person are eager to know if there is any remedy to retrieve their account back on track, this article is for you;
At the end of this post I will show you how you can create secured Facebook account to avoid hacking and how to retrieve your facebook account when hacked.
How to create secured Facebook account to avoid hacking
To secure your account, whenever you create a new password, make sure that it’s at least 8 characters long. Try to use a complex combination of numbers, letters and punctuation marks.
Now if you see a message letting you know the password you entered isn’t strong enough, try mixing together uppercase and lowercase letters. You can also make the password more complex by making it longer with a phrase or series of words that you can easily remember, but no one else knows.
Keep in mind that your Face book password should also be different than the passwords you use to log into other accounts, like your email or bank account.
What you should avoid after creating a face book account
- Don’t use your Facebook password anywhere else online, and never share it with other people.
- Your password should be hard to guess, so don’t include your name or common words.
- Scammers may create fake accounts to friend people
- Becoming friends with scammers might allow them to spam your timeline, tag you in posts and send you malicious messages.
- Very important to check the website’s URL before you enter your login information.
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Please note this;
Please don’t use your phone number as your Facebook Password
Strong Facebook account should be open with email not phone number
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Do you intend of creating a facebook account?
See how to create a facebook account
Create account via
Now let me tell you the secret, I prefer opening facebook account with email to open Facebook account.
Make sure that it’s at least 8 characters long. Try to use a complex combination of numbers, letters and punctuation marks
Your password should be hard to guess, so don’t include your name or common words
Steps to retrieve hacked facebook account
- Click on lost password
- Enter a new password; make sure that it’s at least 8 characters long. Try to use a complex combination of numbers, letters and punctuation marks.
- Next fill a form wait till 2or3 days until Facebook Team reply.
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